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Buying Beats Renting in 22 Major U.S. Cities



That’s right—according to a recent study from Zillow, in 22 of the 50 largest metro areas, monthly mortgage payments are now lower than rent payments (see chart below):

No Caption ReceivedAs mortgage rates have eased off their recent peak, home prices have moderated, and inventory has ticked up, affordability has improved significantly. When you add all of that up, it’s getting less expensive to buy a home than to rent one in many parts of the country.

This is a big deal if you’ve been renting for a while now. But if you don’t see your city on this list, don’t sweat it. Things are moving fast, and your area might be joining these top metros soon.

You see, talking with a local real estate agent about what’s happening in your market before this happens in your ideal neighborhood could really change the game for you. It’s all about being informed by a true expert, and understanding what was out of reach before might actually be getting more affordable than you think. 

Now, while this study compares monthly rent to principal and interest on a mortgage payment (not the whole monthly payment), let’s think through this. As Zillow notes, what you can’t ignore when you buy a home are things like taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance that should also be factored into your budget and your monthly payment.

But remember – renters pay extra fees too, like renters’ insurance, utilities, parking, and more. And while doing the math may feel like a drag, this equation could be a much more exciting one to work through today.

So, grab your calculator and your agent because the big takeaway is this: it may be time to determine if you’re in a spot to afford what you couldn’t just a few months ago.

As Orphe Divounguy, Senior Economist at Zillow, says:

“… for those who can make it work, homeownership may come with lower monthly costs and the ability to build long-term wealth in the form of home equity — something you lose out on as a renter. With mortgage rates dropping, it’s a great time to see how your affordability has changed and if it makes more sense to buy than rent.

Whether you live in one of these budget-friendly metros where the scales have already tipped in your favor, or any town in-between, it’s time to connect with a local real estate agent to get the conversation started.

With mortgage rates coming down and more homes hitting the market, you’ll want to be ready to jump back into your search – before everyone else does.

Bottom Line

If you’re tired of renting and ready to find out what it takes to purchase a home in your area now that the landscape may be shifting, connect with a local real estate agent to do the math and see if buying a home makes sense for you now or sometime soon. 

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The Top 3 Reasons Affordability Is Improving



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Some Highlights

  • Affordability is based on three key factors: mortgage rates, home prices, and wages.
  • And today, it’s improving quickly as rates come down, prices level off, and wages climb. 
  • If you put your search on pause because it was too expensive to buy, connect with an agent to talk about why now may be the perfect time to jump back in.

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The Latest Builder Trend: Smaller, Less Expensive Homes



Even though affordability is improving, buying a home can still feel tough right now. But here’s some good news: builders are focusing their efforts on building smaller homes, and they’re offering key incentives to buyers. And both of these things can be a big help if you’re worried about finding a home that’s right for your budget. 

Builders Are Building Smaller Homes 

During the pandemic, homebuyers were looking for larger homes—and many could afford them. Builders responded to that demand and created bigger spaces to help people with things like working from home, setting up home gyms, and having extra rooms for virtual school.

Now, with affordability as tight as it is, builders are turning their focus to smaller single-family homes. Data from the Census shows how significant this trend toward smaller new homes has been over the last couple of years (see graph below):

No Caption ReceivedBut why would builders want to build smaller homes right now? At the end of the day, builders are going to focus on building homes that meet current market demand – because they want to build what they know will sell. And the number one thing homebuyers are looking for right now is better affordability. Since smaller homes typically come with smaller price tags, both buyers and builders have shifted their focus to homes with less square footage. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reports:

 “. . . home buyers are looking for homes around 2,070 square feet, compared to 2,260 20 years ago.” 

And according to Orphe Divounguy, Senior Economist at Zillow:

“Not only are cash-strapped buyers continually seeking out lower-cost options, but developers are changing what type and size of home they’re producing to try and meet that need.” 

How a Newly Built Home Can Help You Achieve Your Homebuying Goals

So, if you’re having a hard time finding something in your budget, it may be time to look at brand-new homes that have a smaller footprint. When you do, you may get a few other fringe benefits that can help on the affordability front – like price reductions or mortgage rate buy-downs.

According to the most recent data from Zonda, more than half of builders are offering incentives, some of which are mortgage rate buydowns. And those perks could help lower your future monthly housing payment too. John Burns, CEO of John Burns Research & Consulting, shares:

The monthly payment matters more than anything else and builders have responded with smaller, more efficient homes.”

Not to mention, with new home construction, you’ll also get brand new everything, have fewer maintenance needs, and get some of the latest features available. That’s worth looking into, right?

Bottom Line

With builders focusing on smaller homes, you have more budget-friendly options when it matters most. If you’re thinking about buying a home soon, work with a local real estate agent to see what’s available where you want to live.

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Why Pre-Approval Should Be at the Top of Your Homebuying To-Do List



Since the supply of homes for sale is growing and mortgage rates are coming down, you may be thinking it’s finally your moment to jump into the market. To make sure you’re ready, you need to get pre-approved for a mortgage.

That’s when a lender looks at your finances, including things like your W-2, tax returns, credit score, and bank statements, to figure out what they’re willing to loan you. After that process, you’ll get a pre-approval letter to show what you can borrow. Here are two reasons why this is essential in today’s market.

Pre-Approval Helps You Know Your Numbers

While home affordability is finally starting to show signs of improving, it’s still tight. So, it’s a good idea to talk to a lender about your loan options and how today’s changing mortgage rates will impact your monthly payment. The pre-approval process is the perfect time for that. In addition to determining the maximum amount you can borrow, pre-approval also helps you understand this piece of the puzzle. As Investopedia says:

“Consulting with a lender and obtaining a pre-approval letter allows you to discuss loan options and budgeting with the lender; this step can clarify your total house-hunting budget and the monthly mortgage payment you can afford.”

You should use this information to tailor your home search to what you’re actually comfortable with budget-wise. Since mortgage rates have inched down some lately, you may find you’re able to afford a bit more than you’d expect for your monthly payment, but you still want to avoid overextending. As CNET explains:

“In many cases, a lender may preapprove you for more than you need to spend on a home. And while it can be tempting to look at houses outside your budget, it won’t help you in the long run. Before you start touring homes, figure out how much you can realistically afford and stick to your budget.”

Pre-Approval Makes Your Offer More Appealing

And once you do find a home you want in your budget, pre-approval has another big perk. It not only makes your offer stronger, it also shows sellers you’ve already undergone a credit and financial check. When a seller sees you as a serious buyer, they may be more attracted to your offer because it seems more likely to go through. As Greg McBride, Chief Financial Analyst at Bankrate, says:

“Preapproval carries more weight because it means lenders have actually done more than a cursory review of your credit and your finances, but have instead reviewed your pay stubs, tax returns and bank statements. A preapproval means you’ve cleared the hurdles necessary to be approved for a mortgage up to a certain dollar amount.”

As mortgage rates trend down, more buyers are going to be ready to jump back into the market. And while demand is still limited right now, there’s the potential for competition to pick back up, especially in hot markets. So, why not stack the deck in your favor and make sure you’re putting yourself in the best position possible when you find a home you love?

Bottom Line

If you’re planning on buying a home, don’t forget to get pre-approved early in the process. It can help you get a more in-depth understanding of what you can borrow and shows sellers you mean business.

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