Are you looking to buy a home? If so, we’ve got good news for you. While there’s no denying the housing market is having a great...
In today’s real estate market, buyers shouldn’t shop for a home with the expectation they’ll be able to negotiate a lower sales price. In a typical...
If you’re a renter with a desire to become a homeowner, or a homeowner who’s decided your current house no longer fits your needs, you may...
There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact,...
A lot has changed over the past year. For many people, the rise in remote work influenced what they’re looking for in a home and created...
If you’ve been in your home for longer than five years, you’re not alone. According to recent data from First American, homeowners are staying put much...
Some Highlights Whether you’re buying or selling – today’s housing market has plenty of good news to go around. Buyers can take advantage of today’s mortgage...
An important metric in today’s residential real estate market is the number of homes available for sale. The shortage of available housing inventory is the major...
In today’s sellers’ market, standing out as a buyer is critical. Multi-offer scenarios and bidding wars are the norm due to the low supply of houses...
Some Highlights When it comes to the current housing market, there are multiple misconceptions – from what the current supply of available homes looks like to...