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For Sellers

Keys to Selling Your House Virtually



In a recent survey by, people thinking about selling their homes indicated they’re generally willing to allow their agent and some potential buyers inside if done under the right conditions. They’re less comfortable, however, hosting an open house. This is understandable, given the health concerns associated with social contact these days. The question is, if you need to sell your house now, what virtual practices should you use to make sure you, your family, and potential buyers stay safe in the process?

In today’s rapidly changing market, it’s more important than ever to make sure you have a digital game plan and an effective online marketing strategy when selling your house. One of the ways your agent can help with this is to make sure your listing photos and virtual tours stand out from the crowd, truly giving buyers a detailed and thorough view of your home.

So, if you’re ready to move forward, virtual practices may help you win big when you’re ready to sell. While abiding by state and local regulations is a top priority, a real estate agent can help make your sale happen. Agents know exactly what today’s buyers need, and how to put the necessary digital steps in place. For example, according to the same survey, when asked to select what technology would be most helpful when deciding on a new home, here’s what today’s homebuyers said, in order of preference:

  • Virtual tour of the home
  • Accurate and detailed listing information
  • Detailed neighborhood information
  • High-quality listing photos
  • Agent-led video chat

After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first:

  • Limit in-person activity
  • Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer
  • Remove shoes or cover with booties
  • Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later.

Nate Johnson, CMO at ® notes:

“As real estate agents and consumers seek out ways to safely complete these transactions, we believe that technology will become an even more imperative part of how we search for, buy and sell homes moving forward.”

It sounds like some of these new practices might be here to stay.

Bottom Line

In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house. Let’s connect so you have a trusted real estate professional to help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move.

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What To Expect from Mortgage Rates and Home Prices in 2025



Curious about where the housing market is headed in 2025? The good news is that experts are offering some promising forecasts, especially when it comes to two key factors that directly affect your decisions: mortgage rates and home prices.

Whether you’re thinking of buying or selling, here’s a look at what the experts are saying and how it might impact your move.

Mortgage Rates Are Forecast To Come Down

One of the biggest factors likely affecting your plans is mortgage rates, and the forecast looks positive. After rising dramatically in recent years, experts project rates will ease slightly throughout the course of 2025 (see graph below):

a graph showing the rate of a forecastWhile that decline won’t be a straight line down, the overall trend should continue over the next year. Expect a few bumps along the way, because the trajectory of rates will depend on new economic data and inflation numbers as they’re released. But don’t get too hung up on those blips and reactions from the market as they happen. Focus on the bigger picture.

Lower mortgage rates mean improving affordability. As rates come down, your monthly mortgage payment decreases, giving you more flexibility in what you can afford if you buy a home.

This shift will likely bring more buyers and sellers back into the market, though. As Charlie Dougherty, Director and Senior Economist at Wells Fargo, explains:

“Lower financing costs will likely boost demand by pulling affordability-crunched buyers off of the sidelines.”

As that happens, both inventory and competition among buyers will ramp back up. The takeaway? You can get ahead of that competition now. Lean on your agent to make sure you understand how the shifts in rates are impacting demand in your area.

Home Price Projections Show Modest Growth

While mortgage rates are expected to come down slightly, home prices are forecast to rise—but at a much more moderate pace than the market has seen in recent years.

Experts are saying home prices will grow by an average of about 2.5% nationally in 2025 (see graph below):

a graph of green barsThis is far more manageable than the rapid price increases of previous years, which saw double-digit percentage growth in some markets.

What’s behind this ongoing increase in prices? Again, it has to do with demand. As more buyers return to the market, demand will rise – but so will supply as sellers feel less rate-locked.

More buyers in markets with inventory that’s still below the norm will put upward pressure on prices. But with more homes likely to be listed, supply will help keep price growth in check. This means that while prices will rise, they’ll do so at a healthier, more sustainable pace.

Of course, these national trends may not reflect exactly what’s happening in your local market. Some areas might see faster price growth, while others could see slower gains. As Lance Lambert, Co-Founder of ResiClub, says:

“Even if the average national home price forecast for 2025 is correct, it’s possible that some regional housing markets could see mild home price declines, while some markets could still see elevated appreciation. That has been, after all, the case this year.”

Even the few markets that may see flat or slightly lower prices in 2025 have had so much appreciation in recent years – it may not have a big impact. That’s why it’s important to work with a local real estate expert who can give you a clear picture of what’s happening where you’re looking to buy or sell.

Bottom Line

With mortgage rates expected to ease and home prices projected to rise at a more moderate pace, 2025 is shaping up to be a more promising year for both buyers and sellers.

If you have any questions about how these trends might impact your plans, connect with a local agent. That way you’ve got someone to help you navigate the market and make the most of the opportunities ahead.

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Agent Value

How Much Does It Cost To Sell My House?



If you’re toying with the idea of selling your house, you’re probably wondering how much it’ll cost. To be honest, the final number will depend on several factors like the offer you accept, if you help with your buyer’s closing costs, how many repairs you tackle, and more.

So, to give you a ballpark of what to expect, here’s some information on a few of the expenses you’ll want to be ready for (see graph below):

a graph of cost and costsBut here’s something that puts those costs into perspective. Most homeowners today have a substantial amount of equity built up in their homes, and that means they stand to make significant gains when they sell. Chances are, you do too. This can help quickly recoup these selling costs. You may even have enough equity leftover to put some toward your next home purchase too.

Let’s dive into a few of the costs from the graph above, so you have a bit more context on what they include and where you may be able to save some money, when it makes sense.

Closing Costs and Commission

These are the fees you’ll pay at the closing table to cover various aspects of the sale. You’ll have your own closing costs and you may even offer to pay some of the buyer’s as a concession. As U.S. News Real Estate explains:

“Closing costs are fees that are paid to finalize the transaction and transfer ownership of the home to the buyer . . . Sellers can expect to pay 2% to 4% of the sale price of the home in fees and taxes on top of the agent commission. Based on the national median home sale price, this means that closing costs in 2023 for sellers are about $7,740 to $15,480. . .”

Taxes are going to vary by state and agent commissions depend on what you agree upon upfront. And keep in mind, that the numbers in the chart above are just an example, not exact figures. Not to mention, if you put money toward things like your property taxes, mortgage escrow, etc. as part of your current mortgage payments – there’s a chance you’ll get a credit back at closing that can help offset some of these selling expenses.

Pre-Listing Inspection and Repairs

One optional step some sellers take is having a pre-listing inspection. It gives you an idea of what may pop up later on in the buyer’s inspection – because those are the items a buyer may ask you to toss in a credit (or concession) to cover later on.

This allows you to get a jump on any repairs and tackle them before you list, so your house is set up to impress from the start.

Again, if you want to skip this step, an agent can help. They’ll be able to give you advice on things like paint colors, small cosmetic repairs, what buyers are looking for, and whether it’s worth tackling anything else ahead of time. This will help make sure you’re spending money on things that are most likely to net you a solid return on your investment.

Home Staging

As inventory grows, you may want to take a few extra steps to make sure your house stands out. Staging is an optional way to make sure your house shows well. It can include bringing in rental furniture if the house is vacant or art to warm up the walls. Some staging can even be done virtually once the photos are taken. But, in general, how much does it cost? According to Bankrate:

“Home sellers typically pay somewhere between $782 and $2,817 in home staging costs . . . but the price tag can vary widely.”

If you want to skip this step, you could opt to lean on your agent’s advice for what looks good and what may feel cluttered. A great agent will suggest things like removing a chair to open up the flow of a room, laying down a rug to add warmth to a space, or taking down photographs to de-personalize strategic areas.

Why Leaning on an Agent Is Key

If you’re looking to cut down on your costs, you have options. But be careful of where you trim. You may be able to skip staging or a pre-listing inspection since those are optional, but you don’t want to skimp and sell without a pro.

An agent is your go-to expert throughout the transaction. They’ll offer customized advice every step of the way, including how to stage the house and what repairs to tackle. This can help you avoid hiring an outside stager or having to pay for a pre-listing inspection.

But that’s not the only way your agent adds value. They’ll also create tailored marketing and pricing strategies that’ll highlight the house’s best assets and any work you did to get the home show ready. And that can actually help your house sell for more in the long run.

Bottom Line

Want a better picture of what you should expect when you sell your house? Have a conversation with a local real estate agent.

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For Sellers

Why Now’s Not the Time To Take Your House Off the Market



Has your house been sitting on the market longer than expected? If so, you’re bound to be frustrated by now. Maybe you’re even thinking it’s time to pull the listing and wait to see what 2025 brings. But what you may not realize is, the decision to hold off could actually cost you. Here’s a look at why staying the course could be the smarter move.

Other Sellers Are Pulling Back. Should You Hold Off Too?

According to recent data from Altos Research, the number of withdrawals is increasing – that means more sellers are opting to pull their listings off the market right now. And this isn’t unusual for this time of the year.

In the housing market, there are seasonal ebbs and flows. Inventory levels typically start to drop off a bit headed into the fall season as some sellers delay their plans until the new year. As Mike Simonsen, Founder of Altos Research, explains:

“. . . we’re seeing a more normal seasonal pattern now with inventory beginning to decline. We’re also seeing more home sellers withdrawing their listings to try again next year. In fact, for every two sales, there is another listing withdrawn from the market.”

But is that a smart move? While it might seem like a good idea to pull your listing too, here’s why that approach may not pay off this year.

Today’s Buyers Are Serious and Ready To Act

The biggest reason to stick with your plan to sell now is that the buyers who are looking at this time of year are serious about making a purchase.

They’ve been sitting on the sidelines for a while waiting for affordability to improve. And now that mortgage rates are down from their recent peak, they’re ready to make their move. Mortgage applications are rising – and that’s a leading indicator that buyers are preparing to jump back in. And since they’ve already put their needs on the back burner for so long, they’re even more eager than buyers usually are at this time of year.

These aren’t window shoppers. They’re highly motivated buyers who want to move fast – and that’s the kind of buyer you want to work with. As Freddie Mac says:

“During the fall months, serious homebuyers are eager to settle in to a new home before the holiday season ramps up and the winter weather begins.”

By keeping your home on the market, you increase the chances of attracting people who are truly ready to make a purchase.

Bottom Line

While some sellers are choosing to take their homes off the market, this really isn’t the best move. With serious buyers eager to purchase, this is a great time to sell your house. Connect with your agent to make sure you’ve got a strategy in place to make it happen. 

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