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For Sellers

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House?



You want your house to sell fast. And you may be wondering how long the whole process is going to take. One way to get your answer? Work with a local real estate agent.

They have the expertise to tell you how quickly homes are selling in your area and what’s impacting timelines for other sellers. That way you have realistic expectations and can work together to come up with a plan that’s based on today’s market.

Here’s a high-level overview of just one of the factors a great agent will walk you through – the supply of homes for sale and how that impacts your process.

The Growing Supply of Homes for Sale

Over the past few months, the number of homes for sale has increased. This is good news when you move because it means you’ll have more options as you search for your next home. But it also means buyers have more to choose from, so if your house doesn’t stand out – it may take a bit longer to sell.

Available inventory is made up of new listings (homes that were just put up for sale) and active listings (homes that were already on the market but haven’t sold yet). And if you look at data from you can see a good portion of the recent growth is from active listings that are sticking around (see the blue bars in the graph below):

How It’s Impacting Listings Today

Think of the homes on the market like loaves of bread for sale in a bakery. When a fresh batch of bread is put out, everyone wants the newest and hottest one. But if a loaf sits there too long, it starts to get stale, and fewer people want to buy it.

The same goes for homes. New listings are the freshest and most sought-after. But if a home isn’t priced correctly, doesn’t show well, or it doesn’t have an effective sales or marketing strategy behind it, it can sit on the market and become less appealing to buyers over time.

An Agent Will Help Your House Stand Out and Sell Quickly

Timing is important to you. You want to get this done, fast. By leaning on a pro, they’ll make sure your listing is fresh and doesn’t stick around long enough to go stale. As the National Association of Realtors (NAR) explains:

Home sellers without an agent are nearly twice as likely to say they didn’t accept an offer for at least three months; 53% of sellers who used an agent say they accepted an offer within a month of listing their home.”

Your agent will factor the recent inventory growth into their plan and create a customized selling strategy for your house. The supply of homes for sale can vary a lot by area. So they’ll do things like share their valuable insights into what’s happening with supply in your market, help you price your home correctly, and create a marketing plan that gets your home noticed.

Don’t let your listing get stale—reach out to a real estate agent today to make sure your listing is fresh and appeals to buyers from the start. It makes a big difference. 

Bottom Line

If you want your house to sell fast, you need to work with a pro. Connect with a local agent, so you’ve got someone who understands the current market trends and how to build a strategy around those factors, so your house is set up to sell quickly.

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For Sellers

Should You Sell Now? The Lifestyle Factors That Could Tip the Scale



Are you on the fence about whether to sell your house now or hold off? It’s a common dilemma, but here’s a key point to consider: your lifestyle might be the biggest factor in your decision. While financial aspects are important, sometimes the personal motivations for moving are reason enough to make the leap sooner rather than later.

An annual report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) offers insight into why homeowners like you chose to sell. All of the top reasons are related to life changes. As the graph below highlights:

No Caption ReceivedAs the visual shows, the biggest motivators were the desire to be closer to friends or family, outgrowing their current house, or experiencing a significant life change like getting married or having a baby. The need to downsize or relocate for work also made the list.

If you, like the homeowners in this report, find yourself needing features, space, or amenities your current home just can’t provide, it may be time to consider talking to a real estate agent about selling your house. Your needs matter. That agent will walk you through your options and what you can expect from today’s market, so you can make a confident decision based on what matters most to you and your loved ones.

Your agent will also be able to help you understand how much equity you have and how it can make moving to meet your changing needs that much easier. As Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at, explains:

“A consideration today’s homeowners should review is what their home equity picture looks like. With the typical home listing price up 40% from just five years ago, many home sellers are sitting on a healthy equity cushion. This means they are likely to walk away from a home sale with proceeds that they can use to offset the amount of borrowing needed for their next home purchase.”

Bottom Line

Your lifestyle needs may be enough to motivate you to make a change. If you want help weighing the pros and cons of selling your house, connect with a local real estate professional today.

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For Sellers

How To Avoid Today’s Top Seller Mistakes



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Some Highlights

  • Want to know some of the top mistakes sellers are making today and how to make sure they don’t happen to you too?
  • The biggest missteps are pricing a house too high, skipping repairs, not being objective, and not being willing to negotiate.
  • And the best way to avoid falling into any of these traps is to partner with a real estate agent and lean on them for advice. 

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For Buyers

Are We Heading into a Balanced Market?



If you’ve been keeping an eye on the housing market over the past couple of years, you know sellers have had the upper hand. But is that going to shift now that inventory is growing? Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know.

What Is a Balanced Market?

A balanced market is generally defined as a market with about a five-to-seven-month supply of homes available for sale. In this type of market, neither buyers nor sellers have a clear advantage. Prices tend to stabilize, and there’s a healthier number of homes to choose from. And after many years when sellers had all the leverage, a more balanced market would be a welcome sight for people looking to move. The question is – is that really where the market is headed?

After starting the year with a three-month supply of homes nationally, inventory has increased to four months. That may not sound like a lot, but it means the market is getting closer to balanced – even though it’s not quite there yet. It’s important to note this increase in inventory is not leading to an oversupply that would cause a crash. Even with the growth lately, there’s still nowhere near enough supply for that to happen.

The graph below uses data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) to give you an idea of where inventory has been in the past, and where it’s at today:

No Caption ReceivedFor now, this is still seller’s market territory – it’s just not as frenzied of a seller’s market as it’s been over the past few years. As Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, says:

“The faster housing supply increases, the more affordability improves and the strength of a seller’s market wanes.”

What This Means for You and Your Move

Here’s how this shift impacts you and the market conditions you’ll face when you move. Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at NAR, explains:

“Homes are sitting on the market a bit longer, and sellers are receiving fewer offers. More buyers are insisting on home inspections and appraisals, and inventory is definitively rising on a national basis.”

The graphs below use the latest data from NAR and to help show examples of these changes:

Homes Are Sitting on the Market Longer: Since more homes are on the market, they’re not selling quite as fast. For buyers, this means you may have more time to find the right home. For sellers, it’s important to price your house right if you want it to sell. If you don’t, buyers might choose better-priced options.

Sellers Are Receiving Fewer Offers: As a seller, you might need to be more flexible and willing to compromise on price or terms to close the deal. For buyers, you could start to face less intense competition since you have more options to choose from.

Fewer Buyers Are Waiving Inspections: As a buyer, you have more negotiation power now. And that’s why fewer buyers are waiving inspections. For sellers, this means you need to be ready to negotiate and address repair requests to keep the sale moving forward.

How a Real Estate Agent Can Help

But this is just the national picture. The type of market you’re in is going to vary a lot based on how much inventory is available. So, lean on a local real estate agent for insight into how your area stacks up.

Whether you’re buying or selling, understanding how the market is changing gives you a big advantage. Your agent has the latest data and local insights, so you know exactly what’s happening and how to navigate it.

Bottom Line

The real estate market is always changing, and it’s important to stay informed. Whether you’re buying or selling, understanding this shift toward a balanced market can help. If you have any questions or need expert advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local real estate agent.

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