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Should We Be Looking at Unemployment Numbers Differently?



The New York Times recently ran an article regarding unemployment titled: Don’t Cheer Too Soon. Keep an Eye on the Core Jobless Rate. The piece suggests we should look at unemployment numbers somewhat differently. The author of the article, Jed Kolko, is a well-respected economist who is currently the Chief Economist at Indeed, the world’s largest online jobs site. Previously, he was Chief Economist and VP of Analytics at Trulia, the online real estate site.

Kolko suggests “the coronavirus pandemic has broken most economic charts and models, and all the numbers we regularly watch need a closer look.” He goes on to explain that the decline in the unemployment number reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) earlier this month was driven by a drop in temporary layoffs. If we strip those out, we’re left with what Kolko calls the core unemployment rate. Many economists have struggled with how to deal with the vast number of temporary layoffs, as a complete shutdown of the economy has never happened before. As the article states, in the last unemployment report:

“73 percent of all unemployed people said they were temporarily unemployed, which means they had a return-to-work date or they expected to return to work in six months. Before the pandemic, temporary unemployment was never more than one-quarter of total unemployment.”

The core unemployment rate handles this issue and also deals with another concern economists have discussed for years: the exclusion of the marginally attached. These are people who are available and want to work, but count as out of the labor force rather than unemployed because they haven’t searched for work in the past four weeks.

Kolko’s core rate does three things:

  1. Takes out temporary unemployment
  2. Retains the rest of the standard unemployment definition: permanent job losers, job leavers, and people returning to or entering the labor force
  3. Adds in the marginally attached

Removing the temporarily unemployed makes sense according to the article:

“Initial pandemic relief efforts focused on money for people to manage a temporary loss of income and funds to keep businesses afloat until they could bring their workers back. The hope and the goal is for the temporarily unemployed to return to their old jobs, rather than have them lose their jobs and have to search for new ones when jobs have become scarcer.”

The Bad News and the Good News

Clearly, the adjustments Kolko makes dramatically impact the way we look at unemployment. The bad news is, using his core rate, there was an increase in unemployment from April to May. The conventional rate reported by the BLS showed a decrease in unemployment.

The good news is that the core rate compares more favorably to the last recession in 2008. Here’s the breakdown:Should We Be Looking at Unemployment Numbers Differently? | Simplifying The Market

Bottom Line

The unemployment rate is a key indicator of how the economy is doing. Heading into a highly contested election this November, the BLS report releasing next week will be scrutinized like no other by members on both sides of the aisle. Mr. Kolko’s take is just one additional way to evaluate how unemployment is impacting American families.

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For Buyers

Lower Mortgage Rates Boost Your Buying Power



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Some Highlights

  • Mortgage rates are trending down and that’s great news for your bottom line.
  • As rates drop, your monthly payment on your next home does too. Even a small change in mortgage rates can have a big impact on your purchasing power.
  • If you put your search on hold when mortgage rates were higher, think about how much you could save now that rates are coming down.

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The Latest Builder Trend: Smaller, Less Expensive Homes



Even though affordability is improving, buying a home can still feel tough right now. But here’s some good news: builders are focusing their efforts on building smaller homes, and they’re offering key incentives to buyers. And both of these things can be a big help if you’re worried about finding a home that’s right for your budget. 

Builders Are Building Smaller Homes 

During the pandemic, homebuyers were looking for larger homes—and many could afford them. Builders responded to that demand and created bigger spaces to help people with things like working from home, setting up home gyms, and having extra rooms for virtual school.

Now, with affordability as tight as it is, builders are turning their focus to smaller single-family homes. Data from the Census shows how significant this trend toward smaller new homes has been over the last couple of years (see graph below):

No Caption ReceivedBut why would builders want to build smaller homes right now? At the end of the day, builders are going to focus on building homes that meet current market demand – because they want to build what they know will sell. And the number one thing homebuyers are looking for right now is better affordability. Since smaller homes typically come with smaller price tags, both buyers and builders have shifted their focus to homes with less square footage. The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reports:

 “. . . home buyers are looking for homes around 2,070 square feet, compared to 2,260 20 years ago.” 

And according to Orphe Divounguy, Senior Economist at Zillow:

“Not only are cash-strapped buyers continually seeking out lower-cost options, but developers are changing what type and size of home they’re producing to try and meet that need.” 

How a Newly Built Home Can Help You Achieve Your Homebuying Goals

So, if you’re having a hard time finding something in your budget, it may be time to look at brand-new homes that have a smaller footprint. When you do, you may get a few other fringe benefits that can help on the affordability front – like price reductions or mortgage rate buy-downs.

According to the most recent data from Zonda, more than half of builders are offering incentives, some of which are mortgage rate buydowns. And those perks could help lower your future monthly housing payment too. John Burns, CEO of John Burns Research & Consulting, shares:

The monthly payment matters more than anything else and builders have responded with smaller, more efficient homes.”

Not to mention, with new home construction, you’ll also get brand new everything, have fewer maintenance needs, and get some of the latest features available. That’s worth looking into, right?

Bottom Line

With builders focusing on smaller homes, you have more budget-friendly options when it matters most. If you’re thinking about buying a home soon, work with a local real estate agent to see what’s available where you want to live.

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For Buyers

Mortgage Rates Drop to Lowest Level in over a Year and a Half



Mortgage rates have hit their lowest point in over a year and a half. And that’s big news if you’ve been sitting on the homebuying sidelines waiting for this moment.

Even a small decline in rates could help you get a better monthly payment than you would expect on your next home. And the drop that’s happened recently isn’t small. As Sam Khater, Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, says:

“Mortgage rates have fallen more than half a percent . . . and are at their lowest level since February 2023.”

But if you want to see it to really believe it, here’s how the math shakes out. Take a closer look at the impact on your monthly payment.

The chart below shows what a monthly payment (principal and interest) would look like on a $400K home loan if you purchased a house back in April (this year’s mortgage rate high), versus what it could look like if you buy a home now (see below):

No Caption ReceivedGoing from 7.5% just a few months ago to the low 6s has a big impact on your bottom line. In just a few months’ time, the anticipated monthly payment on a $400K loan has come down by over $370. That’s hundreds of dollars less per month.

Bottom Line

With the recent drop in mortgage rates, the purchasing power you have right now is better than it’s been in almost two years. Talk to a local real estate agent about your options and how you can make the most of this moment you’ve been waiting for.

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